Short Bio Organization
Lesvos is the third largest, in area and population, island in Greece. It covers an area of 1.636 km2 and the length of the coastline is 382 km. The capital of the island is the city of Mytilene.
Lesvos Municipality was created after the implementation of “Kallikratis” in 2010 when the 13 former municipalities combined to create the largest in area municipality on Greece (it has 73 small towns and villages).
The population of the island (2011 census of the Hellenic Statistical Authority) is 86.436.
The main occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture (olive tree cultivations and olive oil production), public services and tourism.
According to national legislation Lesvos Municipality is the local authority in charge of developing local programs for the protection and upgrading of the natural, architectural and cultural environment. Also it is the local authority in charge of protecting, utilization and exploitation of all local natural and non natural resources.