HYDROUSA solutions presented in ECOMONDO 2021

HYDROUSA team of experts presented the circular economy approach of HYDROs 1-6, invited to the event WATER PROJECTS EUROPE – Water-smart industrial and utility-industry symbiosis within the Ecomondo expo in Rimini, Italy, on 26th -29th of October2021. More: https://en.ecomondo.com/

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HYDROUSA has won the the first prize of the “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards”

We are delighted to announce that our project HYDROUSA (www.hydrousa.org) has been awarded the first prize of the “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards” (www.medadapt-awards.com/3e-edition/) under the Category Preservation of ecosystems and nature-based solutions. The prize was awarded following an open call where more than 55 applications were submitted. The winner was announced at the online Conference “Adapting…

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Support of the Horizon2020 Innovation Action Project HYDROUSA Towards the implementation of the EUROPEAN Green Deal and the Battle Against COVID-19

HYDROUSA consortium has developed a policy brief on how it supports the implementation of the European Green Deal and the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic (see attachment). HYDROUSA project (i) supports the just and inclusive transition through smart water management, (ii) promotes climate neutral systems within the water value chain, (iii) supports the farm to…

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