For 3 days all of the Hydrousa Team and its partners gathered in London for the Final Consortium Meeting, that was hosted by Brunel University and supported by the National Technical University of Athens.
On the first day a detailed analysis of the Hydrousa journey was presented to everyone. Insights, highlights and results from the implementation, along with our exploitation strategy were shared among us. An important question that was answered: How HYDROUSA becomes the solution for more decentralised areas?
On the second day, a one-day workshop dedicated to water utilities-“Implementing nature-based solutions to support climate resilience” exploring ways to scale decentralized solutions in more regions across the UK, was implemented with interested talks by a variety of experts and innovators. The topics, that were mentioned and analysed through the day, were innovative designs, constructed wetlands, and water reuse solutions.The experts discussed with our consortium about the transition to circular solution of water management and its importance.
The final day of the Consortium Meeting was dedicated to an onsite visit to one of the community driven demo sites at Firs Farm of Thames and explore the ways on how to enable our communities to take action for circularity
This might have been the final meeting of Hydrousa but the journey is not over yet. A community of water allies was created and the journey will continue with our Hackathon and the WIC Conference.